The Role of Animal Pharmaceutical Company in Animal Welfare: Veko Care
Veko Care March 22, 2024
Taking care of animals is no easy task. Pet owners and animal handlers are keenly aware of how much care and attention our animal companions need from their human carers. Not only do they need proper exercise, food and hygiene, they also require precaution measures to prevent diseases, pests and ailments.
But with Veko Care, you are not alone in your concerns. We know that as an animal pharmaceutical company, we have a huge role in animal welfare. Our responsibilities do not end with pet medicine manufacture and sales. We play a crucial part in your pet’s life from the day you bring them home till their last days. We are accountable for enhancing the entire lives of beloved family members and we take that job with the utmost seriousness.
Why choose Veko Care
A group of animal lovers joined hands to pursue one goal – improve the lives of our fellow beings. That’s how Veko Care came to be. We are not just a company aiming for profit. We are actively looking for innovative ways to make every facet of your animal companion’s day better. It is our compassion more than anything else that stir us to leverage state-of-the-art equipment to come up with quality products. We are driven by our commitment to animals. But that’s not all.
We pride ourselves on our excellence and continuously evolving expertise. Combining cutting-edge technologies and industry experience of our skilled researchers, we keep ourselves ahead of the scientific developments in animal science. We contribute to not just one but various aspects of your pet’s life.
Disease prevention
Animals are notorious for hiding their illness. That’s why we equip animal owners with defensive as well as offensive measures to keep diseases at bay. Defensive products include vitamins, supplements, vaccinations. But at Veko Care, we are more than our products. We conduct informative sessions and participate in conferences to educate people about vaccination protocols, best practices and pet care.
Direct disease fighting products range from antibiotics, anti-inflammatories, Trypanocides, Ectoparasiticides and more medicines. We focus on safety and reliability for our poultry feed and specialty products for Aquaculture.
Supplementing nutrition
Nutrition is key when it comes to a happy and strong animal. Supplemental food is an essential addition to your pet’s diet. Pets require a range of nutrition. The wide range of animal feeds available in the market provide most of it, pets can lack certain nutrition and suffer from ailments triggered by inadequate nourishment.
Vitamins and mineral supplements are the most common nutritional supplements recommended by veterinarians. Animals with a primarily carnivorous diet might require supplements for liver and kidney health.
Skin care
Skin ailments are surprisingly common and can occur many times in an animal’s lifetime. Sometimes their origins can be quite indiscernible and unpredictable. However, there are many stimulators that can trigger them. Allergens can appear in the form of environmental
pollutants, fleas, parasites and food allergies.
Veko Care ensures that your pets are well provided to prevent a parasitic infestation. Flea treatment products like spot ons and deworming medicines are readily available and we have experts to provide useful advice on the frequency of treatment and application to eliminate recurrence. When it comes to livestock and cattle, their wellbeing calls for quality fur care to ensure they lead healthy lives. We also have a collection of shampoos, hypoallergenic conditioners and flea prevention medicated liquids to give your pet additional protection to prevent skin diseases.
Education and awareness
We don’t just talk the talk, we also walk the walk. Animal welfare for us is a religion we are deeply dedicated to. We organize pet health drives where we invite pet owners for educational sessions on animal wellbeing. We not only focus on physical health but also bring mental health concerns to the forefront. We donate consistently to NGOs and participate in vaccination drives, encourage sterilization and work towards a balance in human animal co-living.
As one of the leading animal health care companies in India, we believe that the future of intelligent animal welfare begins today. That’s why we dedicate time, effort and resources to providing compassionate care and innovative solutions for the well-being of all animals. We are growing ambitiously and we hope to keep selfless care in the centre of our business ethics as we move forward. Let’s create a happier world for animals today!